
1. We believe in the One and Only eternally existent God who is Almighty and has revealed Himself in three distinct persons; The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. 2. We believe in Jesus Christ as our real Lord and Savior of man, in His fully deity as well as full resurrection, as well as in His glorious ascension to the right hand of the Father. 3. We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit, in His sanctifying and empowering work in the lives of the believers, and in His work of conviction in the lives of the unbelievers. We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit as evidence by supernatural utterance and boldness in the ministry. 4. We believe in the Holy Bible as the one and only inspired and infallible(perfect) recorded revelation of God Almighty. 5. We believe that man is by nature sinful and is in need of salvation which come only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. 6. We believe that Jesus has formed unto Himself a body called the Church, of which He is the true